Flamenco Mantón (Shawl) Technique
A Course that Focuses on Flamenco Mantón (Shawl) Technique and Fun Variations to Prepare You for Upcoming Mantón Choreographies! Olé!
Welcome to the Mantón Technique Class (make sure to download the document to access links)
Link to Mantón for Purchase Online
Resource: Basic 4 and 12 Count Rhythms to Guide your Movements
Variation 1: Lateral Movements
Variation 2: 'Walk'
Variation 3: Throwing the Mantón
Variation 4: Circling the Body
Variations 3 & 4 Combined
Variation 5: Accenting with Flecos
Variation 6: Accenting with Flecos
Variation 7: Marking Step with Mantón
Variation 8: Marking Step with Mantón
Variation 9: Marking Side to Side
Variation 10: Release and Catch
Variation 11: Around the Waist + A Combination
Variation 12: Heel Turn with Mantón
Variation 13: Overhead Turn with Mantón